Wednesday 5 October 2016


If I had to think of one in particular, I guess it would be difficult to give an answer, however, and since I don’t want to be incoherent, I will. I remember one morning on my birthday that my husband (my boyfriend back then) woke me up and gave me an envelope. At the time I thought “What a weird present, is it money?” Then I opened it and I realized it was a plane ticket. I remember I was a bit shocked; really, it was a plane ticket with hotel and everything to go to Buenos Aires the weekend after. I did no show much enthusiasm at the time since I had been waiting for something different, I suppose. However, I think this has been one of the best weekends ever. I had never been to Buenos Aires before and we had a wonderful time. We went to the typical sights; we also went to a tango club (and tried to dance!). I spent hours in libraries and got a few books for much better prices. I suppose what I liked the most, was the fact that people are so nice there. Being a capital city, it is a completely different attitude towards others. Less hostile, I think.  Also, in general the ordinary people in the streets seem so knowledgeable about their history, culture and that is really nice. It seems like culture is everywhere. I really enjoyed it. Now it is one of my nicest memories.
Write about a present you received.


What it was,

Who gave it to you,

Why you liked it,

Where it is now.

Anything else you find relevant.

Write a minimum of 180 words and 1 comment on my blog and 3 comments on your classmates’ blogs.


  1. Oh my, that sounds really great! why you weren't excited at frist? I can guess maybe because people have plans ad stuff to do and a surprise travel could be a little weird to handle, But I'm glad you ejoy it at the ed, I've never been in Buenos Aires, but next week I'll be going to Uruguay for the ALAB congress, so I'll pass through Buenos Aires, I hope I can see something, or at least just eat some pasta, ahahaha!

  2. OMG! I love Buenos Aires, if one boyfriend give me this present I will married to jiji

  3. What a great gift!! He gave you a great experience and great memories. That is something that stays with you no matter the time.

  4. I never go to buenos aires I hope visit this city some day

  5. What a great present! A pearson told me that Buenos Aires is very similar to the Centre of Santiago, but with more culture and lights... What do you think? it is true? I want to meet Buenos Aires too.

  6. ohh! is an amazing gift. You take photos in your travel? You must share the picture with the note.

  7. It's was a great present! I hope that you go out in the night for yo know the suburb of the Buenos Aires and drink some juice... Hahahah
    Regards miss!

  8. This present is very cool! , I think that travel is wonderful. Personally, I don't know Buenos Aires, but I hope go soon.

  9. oh!is a great present, is experience to rememeber

  10. I went to BA when I was a child, I liked El Caminito!!

  11. Wow! It is a fantastic gift. Always, is good known others places and life always gives opportunities.

  12. Hello!
    It is a beautiful history, I hope that you can come back whit you husband I think very nice.

  13. As you said on an older post: experiences are better than stuffs. I traveled to Buenos Aires with my mom in 2006, it was a great trip. We went to the typical neighborhoods too, but I liked specially San Telmo and Tango's street shows. I think Tango is a gorgeous dance.

  14. Oh, that was a great gift. I want a gift like that :c

  15. This is very romantic, I like histories like this :)
