Thursday 29 September 2016

Today you will have 2 choices.
To either write about the Chilean heritage and the role of the state and the people to preserve it or a place you would like to visit.

For either of the 2  Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and my blog if you like. Word count: 150 words !!

Today I will write about a place I’d like to visit. To be honest, travelling is one of the things I find most valuable. A lot of people prefer to buy stuff and that is fine by me. I personally feel experiencing different cultures and sharing with people is priceless. Even though I understand that as a tourist you don’t really experience the culture the way a local does, I enjoy travelling very much. I have a lot of places in Chile I'd like to see but I'll go for something different.
Choosing a favourite place puts me in a difficult situation. I more or less love all places. I will select one because it is part of today’s task. In 2014 I had the opportunity to visit Turkey. I simply fell in love. I would like to go back to this place one day. I would like to learn more about the Byzantines and the Ottoman empire. It is such an interesting culture. I would also like to visit the coast since they say it is amazing. To be honest, I would also like to learn more about the language. The Turkish language is nothing like anything I heard before, much nicer than the Arab language (in my opinion) but still pretty intricate in terms of structure. So I guess I’d like to go there for around 6 months to get a good feel of the place and visit all the places I didn't get to see..
I think Turkey is the perfect transition place as transit from west to east and the arab world.

- Which country would you like to go to? Why?
- What do you know about it?
- What would you like to do there?

- Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain. Put a picture too!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the Ottoman empire!, and all the things about the Islamic culture, specially, the epistemology Islamic, is very different and interesting :)

  3. A couple of months ago, i was walking to Costanera Center, when two girls approached me. They spoke little spanish, so I have to talk to them in my rudimentary english. And they were from Turkey! They told me that they loved Chile and wanted to spend more days here. That's my story haha

  4. It's not from Turkey actually, but there is an arabian city from Morocco that has sparked my interest since a friend of mine told me about it: Chefchaouen. It's a city entirely blue! Yes: BLUE. The walls are painted blue, and all the streets appear like under a blue-light. My friend sent to me photos of Chefchaouen because he knows I love the blue, and it's really amazing. And, although you can't believe it, Chefchaouen is connected with my pets. How? I always have called Milonga "my little blue rose", and I identify all blue with her. On the other hand, Argan received her name because he was "golden as the argan (or morroccan) oil". For these reasons I would love to visit Chefchaouen some day.

  5. PS: I wanted to share with you some photos of Chefchaouen taken by my friend, but I can't upload them as a comment :( Pity! I will try upload them to my blog (they are beautiful!)
