Thursday 27 October 2016

Dear all,
I would like to do a lot of things and this is why this post is difficult.  As opposed to you, I have had a number of jobs and to decide on a particular one is difficult.
I like my job, I think what I like the most is the interaction with people and the most fulfilling part of it is observing learning processes. In FACSO at times this is difficult depending on the students’ feelings towards the class but on the whole, it is a very fine experience to me.

To think of an ideal job would always be about helping people somehow. A part of me would like to help people with more difficulties. One time I taught Spanish to people for Haiti and this was really rewarding because you knew that these people would have an immediate benefit from it. I also taught English to admin workers “funcionarios” in facso and that was really nice.
Because I like my current job, I’ll mention another job to complement this, but not as a full time one. I would like to work in the area of sports and health too. It would be wonderful to see the recovery of people.
 I think practicing sports, yoga, trekking (something that involved physical activity) is a really wonderful experience and I think many people who haven’t done it, don’t know how good it can be for the body and soul. I have only discovered this in my thirties.  I think my ideal job maybe would involve exercise for rehabilitation of injuries. Like a physical therapist. I would have to train in anatomy for a while, though.  I have seen how specific exercise can help to recover from really bad states with perseverance. 

Write about a job you would like to have. Mention:
What the job is,

Why you would like to do this job,

What qualities or skills you would need to do this job,

What type of reward or job satisfaction you would get from doing this job.

Mention anything else you think is important.

Write a minimum of 210 words, put a comment on my blog and 4 more comments.


  1. what mean the picture?,I don´t understand xd

  2. I think that any job with people is very satisfactory because We can teach many things, but also learn about the other person. I think that feedback is amazing! :)

  3. I have the same question ... what means that picture?. I think that a physical therapist is a jow really necesary. But also it require a lot of practice because is working with the health of the people.

  4. Helping people is the best <3 :3 And helping washing the bath is other very good choise ;)

    Happy Halloween :D

  5. I think that is great that you teached and helped to people of Haiti and the admin workers of facso, but I am agree with my classmates... what means the picture??

  6. I couldn't agree more with you, sports clean the soul and help people to channel his energies! I think physical therapy would be a wonderful job! regards.

  7. I agree totally whit you about the importance to sport in the life!

  8. I think the sport is very important in the development of the person. I agree with you.

  9. I don't know nothing about yoga and that stuffs :( I would like to learn !!

  10. would be great if we don't need to work so many hours at day, this way we can make more things and work in two or more areas! humans are multidimentional!
