Thursday 29 September 2016

1 comment:

  1. Miss, I don't have your email, so I post the message here:

    "Miss Beatriz:

    I'm Tamara, the student who registered the Intermediate level - Section 4 last week, who asked for extra vacancy. Do you remember me?

    I write to you because my mom is having a breast cancer surgery today and therefore I can't go to University because I will be keeping her company and taking care of her. I hope you can understand my situation. I will write a new post in the blog as soon as possible within the week.

    I take the opportunity to explain to you my situation. Before Anthropology, I studied Veterinary (also at University of Chile), between 2008-2010, where I finished two levels of English: Beginner and Pre-Intermediate (that is the top level in Veterinary, I don't know why there are three levels in Veterinary and four in FACSO??). Then, I've continued learning English on my own. Because of that, since the beginning I thought about asking for an exemption... but I'm a little absent-minded and I forgot to do it in the firsts years; now I'm in fifth and final year and I need to resolve my English situation to be able to register my Thesis project this semester. Some students had told me that the way to get an exemption was by an interview directly with Mr Simon Higginson, and I did that: I wrote an email to Mr Higginson asking for an exemption interview. Nevertheless, he told me that I must "follow the regular channels": to register Intermediate level and ask to my professor (ergo, you) to test me before an interview with him. For almost a month I have tried to contact the English Program, unsuccessfully, and when I received Mr Higginson's response, the regular period of courses registration had finished. That is the reason I registered this class late (I'm sorry for that).

    Best regards

