Thursday 1 December 2016


Write about an ambition you have. Even if it is something simple.

What your ambition is,
Why you would like to achieve this ambition,
Who or what inspired your ambition,
What it would mean to you to fulfil your ambition.

Mention anything else you think is important.

Write a minimum of 230 words and comment on 4 different blog

I know it may sound difficult to think of an ambition. I do not consider myself an ambitious person. I used to care about money or things more before. Certain things happened and then I have changed quite a bit in the past 5 years. I am quite content at the moment.
I suppose people always associate ambitions with dreams.One thing I have always thought of doing at some point is to have a school in a rural area for people with financial difficulties.I'd like to do this because I like teaching and I feel a lot of children don't have opportunities to study in a friendly but demanding environment. A place that consider the needs of all children as an individual. I supose my ambition has been inspired by my own readings and realization on how teaching and learning processes are always interesting and how the world can be a bad place if you don't have an education. I believe the early childhood is a vital period to work on. I'd like this place to be in a big piece of land so there is space to play and also space to plant. I would really like to plant my own vegetables  and have fruit trees and knwo exactly what I eat. The children would also enjoy this. Ideally, we could have lessons for grown ups in the evenings.
I think if I could fulfil this ambition I'd be very happy because I would involve many lovely people that work in the area of education who are really talented. I would also be happy to live outside the city and eat lovely homegrown vegetables.

How about you? What is your ambition.


  1. I think his ambition is fantastic. You can always start slowly to get that dream.

  2. Hello! I think that it is a great ambition, because I live in rural area, and many people only know the work in the contry whitout opportunity for study, in adittion I think that all people is able to learn anything if have support necesary.
